Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
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Title : Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process
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Title : Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process
link : Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process
Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process
RRB NTPC 2019 How to Apply
Step 1: Click on the “New Registration” link on the habitation page of the Online Registration portal of CEN 01/2019 for the recruitment of diverse posts.
Step 2: Select the RRB to which yous wishing to apply. Please live aware that, RRB in ane lawsuit selected cannot live changed after the preliminary registration is completed in addition to Registration number is allotted.
Step 3: Post Availability: Select your Qualification, Community, DOB in addition to PWD condition in addition to click the “Check Availability” push clit to persuasion the listing of posts applicable for yous inward the RRB yous selected in addition to also inward other RRBs. Click the “Apply” URL to maintain amongst registration process.
Step 4: Confirm that yous direct hold read in addition to understood the instructions clearly yesteryear clicking the depository fiscal establishment check box. Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 5: Registration Details: Enter your name, Date of Birth in addition to Father’s advert every bit per Para 1.7 of General Instructions, Mother’s Name, Aadhaar Number, SSLC/Metric Roll Number, Year of Passing, Mobile Number in addition to e-mail-ID in addition to so submit for registration. Before submitting for registration, ensure in addition to confirm that all the information furnished to a higher house are correct, every bit the details furnished for registration cannot live changed later. Please depository fiscal establishment bill that the electronic mail ID used for the Registration must live yours in addition to unique. Also depository fiscal establishment bill that both the electronic mail in addition to Mobile Number volition live verified during the Online Application procedure amongst a One Time Password (OTP).
Step 6: Verification of electronic mail ID in addition to mobile number through OTP: On submitting the Registration details, an OTP volition live sent to your electronic mail in addition to around other OTP to your mobile number. Click on the “Verify through OTP” link on the Home page of the online registration portal in addition to move inward the OTP received on your electronic mail in addition to the OTP received on your mobile inward the respective fields. You tin give the sack maintain amongst the registration solely yesteryear entering both the OTPs. Hence it is advised to ensure that the electronic mail id in addition to mobile number is entered correctly during the registration.
On verification of both the electronic mail id in addition to mobile number, a unique registration number is generated for the candidate. Candidate should depository fiscal establishment bill in addition to preserve their registration number for afterward reference during the recruitment procedure in addition to RRB volition non entertain whatever asking seeking registration number. Candidates tin give the sack maintain amongst the online application yesteryear clicking on the “Candidate Login” link on the habitation page using the registration number.
Step 7: In the Part 1 of application page, render the details of Educational Qualification, Community- UR/OBC/SC/ST/EWS, Gender, Religion, Ex SM, PwBD, Minority, Economically Backward Class in addition to Age Relaxation eligibility category every bit applicable in addition to other details.
Step 8: In the Part II of application page, fill upwards inward details of:
*Set priority / preferences for posts: If the candidate is eligible for to a greater extent than than ane post based on his/her educational qualification in addition to other details furnished, he/she must laid upwards the priority/preferences for these posts. The listing of posts (in the chosen RRB) for which a candidate is eligible is displayed. Similarly, if the chosen RRB has vacancies for to a greater extent than than ane Railway/Production Unit, so vacancies for all such Railways/Production Units for which a candidate is eligible, volition live listed out. The candidate should fill upwards their priority/preferences number inward the textbox against each post that they are eligible for, inward the RRB they are applying to.
*Scribe (Applicable to eligible PwBD Candidates only). Provide details of scribe duly uploading his/her passport size photograph. Furnishing of information of scribe is mandatory. Change of scribe at the exam venue is by in addition to large non permitted. However, nether special circumstances the modify may live allowed duly recording reasons in addition to filling the relevant details including photograph of the scribe. Please depository fiscal establishment bill that the qualification of the scribe should live ane measurement below the qualification of the candidate taking examination. Also the scribe so arranged should non himself/herself live the candidate for the notification for which the candidate is appearing in addition to same scribe should non live engaged for to a greater extent than than ane candidate.
*Detailed Educational Qualification: Furnish all the relevant information on the qualification every bit required inward the application.
*Choice of Exam Language: English linguistic communication is the default language. In illustration the candidate wishes to select whatever other language, so the same tin give the sack live selected from the drib downwardly listing of languages. The languages listed are Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Odiya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu in addition to Urdu. In illustration of whatever difference/ discrepancy/dispute inward the Questions betwixt English linguistic communication in addition to the opted language, the content of English linguistic communication version shall prevail.
*Complete the residual fields e.g. Mother Tongue, Moles/Identification Marks, Address etc.
*Candidates may quest their consent or otherwise for sharing the scores obtained yesteryear them inward RRB exams amongst other Ministries/Departments/ PSUs in addition to Private organizations, for recruitment inward their organizations.
Step 9: Payment in addition to Bank Account Details:
a.On completion of application details every bit above, the candidate volition live directed to the payment page to select payment means i.e. Bank (Online Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card/UPI in addition to Offline Challan) or Post Office Challan every bit explained inward CEN Para 7.1 in addition to consummate the payment process. Chose the means of payment in addition to consummate the payment process. Please depository fiscal establishment bill the lastly engagement in addition to fourth dimension specified for each means of payment in addition to submit the application good inward time.
b.Those paying through Bank-offline mode, the payment confirmation may convey ii hours in addition to thence they direct hold to over again login after ii hours in addition to hold off for confirmation of payment status.
c.The fourth dimension menstruum for payment confirmation shall vary from 24 hrs to 48 hrs inward illustration of Post Office payment.
Bank Account Details for Refund:Candidate who attend 1st Stage of CBT are eligible for refund of exam fee every bit per details inward CEN Para 7.0. All candidates who direct hold given the confirmation to have their refund to the delineate of piece of job organisation human relationship from which they direct hold made the application fee payment, need non fill upwards these details in addition to hence, this volition non live visible for them.
Only those candidates who produce non wishing to have the refund inward the delineate of piece of job organisation human relationship through which they paid exam fee should render the details of Beneficiary Account inward which they wishing to have the refund viz. Beneficiary Name, Bank Name, Account Number in addition to IFSC Code inward the Online Application. However, for the candidates who made payment through SBI Challan & Postal Challan, it is mandatory to render the details of Beneficiary Account inward which they wishing to have the refund. Refund of fee volition live made duly deducting Bank charges to the beneficiary delineate of piece of job organisation human relationship only.
Step 10: Photograph in addition to Signature Upload:
*Candidate volition live automatically directed to ‘Photo in addition to Signature Upload’ run of the application.
*Select the Upload Photo Tab in addition to upload your color photograph. The photograph should comply amongst the next requirements.
a) It should live a Color Passport Photograph amongst white/light color background.
b) It should live of size 35mmX45mm or 320 x 240 pixels.
c) It should live inward JPG/JPEG format scanned amongst 100 DPI resolution.
d) The size of the photograph should live betwixt 20-50KB.
e) The color photograph must direct hold been taken on or after 01-01-2019 inward a professional person studio. Photographs taken using mobile in addition to self-composed portraits may number inward rejection of application.
f) The photograph should direct hold clear forepart persuasion of the candidate without cap in addition to sunglasses.
g) The human face upwards should occupy at to the lowest degree 50% of the surface area of the photograph amongst a total human face upwards persuasion looking at the photographic television receiver camera directly.
h) The principal features of the human face upwards must non live covered yesteryear pilus of the caput whatever fabric or whatever shadow.
i) Forehead, eyes, olfactory organ in addition to mentum should live clearly visible.
j) In illustration the candidate wears glasses, so the photograph should non direct hold whatever glare/reflections on spectacles in addition to eyes should live clearly visible.
k) The photograph must tally amongst the candidate appearance on the days of CBTs/CBAT/TST, DV in addition to Medical.
l) PwBD candidates should also upload passport photograph every bit per to a higher house specifications solely in addition to non the total trunk photograph used inward the disability certificate.
m) Candidates are advised to maintain at to the lowest degree 12 (Twelve) copies of the same photograph for farther usage every bit in addition to when required during the recruitment process.
*Select upload Signature Tab in addition to upload your Scanned Signature. The signature icon should comply amongst the next specifications.
a) The applicant has to sign on white newspaper amongst Black Ink pen inside a box of size 50mm x 20mm.
b) Signature must live inward running letters in addition to NOT IN BLOCK LETTERS.
c) The icon should live inward JPG/JPEG format scanned amongst 100 DPI resolution.
d) Dimensions of 50mm x 20mm or 140 x60 pixels (preferred).
e) Size of file should live betwixt 10KB-40KB.
f) Notes:
i. The signature must live of the applicant solely in addition to non of whatever other person.
ii. The applicants signature obtained during registration in addition to at the fourth dimension of CBTs/CBAT/TST/DV/Medical should tally the uploaded signature.
iii. In illustration it is establish that in that place is a mismatch of signature, the candidate may live disqualified, legal prosecution volition live initiated in addition to the candidate volition live debarred for life from appearing inward railway recruitments (RRBs/RRCs).
a) Set the scanner resolution to a minimum of 100 dpi (dots per inch).
b) Set Color to True Color. File Size every bit specified above.
c) Crop the icon inward the scanner to the border of the photograph/signature, so usage the upload editor to crop the icon to the terminal size (as specified above).
d) The icon file should live inward JPG or JPEG format in addition to sample of acceptable photograph is given for your reference inward the photograph upload page.
e) Image dimensions tin give the sack live checked yesteryear listing the folder files or moving the mouse over the file icon icon. Candidates tin give the sack easily obtain photograph in addition to signature inward .jpeg format non exceeding 50KB & 40KB respectively yesteryear using MS Paint or MS Office Picture Manager.
f) Scanned photograph in addition to signature inward whatever format tin give the sack live saved inward .jpg format yesteryear using ‘Save As’ pick inward the File bill of fare in addition to size tin give the sack live reduced below 50KB (photograph) & 40KB (signature) yesteryear using crop in addition to so resize pick inward the ‘Image’ menu. Similar options are available inward other photograph editors also.
*SC/ST Certificate Upload:
Candidates belonging to SC/ST community who direct hold opted to avail Free Rail Travel, direct hold to upload scanned re-create of their SC/ ST certificates (JPG/JPEG format, 50KB – 100KB) also for availing the facility of Free Travel Authority (Second Class Railway Pass).
CARE: If the file size in addition to format for photograph, signature in addition to SC/ST Community Certificate are non every bit prescribed, an fault message volition live displayed.
Step 11: Submission of Application:
In the goal candidates direct hold to confirm the announcement “I hereby declare that I direct hold gone through the eligibility criteria for the post(s) applied for in addition to run into all the requirements therein, that all the details furnished yesteryear me inward the application are truthful in addition to consummate to the best of my cognition & belief in addition to zero has been concealed or suppressed. I also empathize that inward case, whatever of the details furnished is establish untrue during whatever phase of recruitment or thereafter RRB shall disqualify me for the post(s) applied for in addition to /or I shall live liable for whatever other activeness nether the extant rules”.
After confirming the to a higher house announcement in addition to submission of the application, the candidate may salve the file every bit “PDF” and/or convey impress of the application in addition to preserve it for reference in addition to record.
Click Here to Download Notification in addition to Apply Online for RRB NTPC 2019
Thus the article Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process
That's all the article Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process this time, hopefully can benefit you all. okay, see you in another article posting.
You are now reading the article Rrb Ntpc Recruitment 2019: How To Utilise - Know Hither Consummate Process with the link address https://curlythink.blogspot.com/2012/04/rrb-ntpc-recruitment-2019-how-to.html